This past weekend Laura and I attended our friend’s Jessop & Jen’s wedding in Saint Peter, Mn. We were doing double duty as not only were we attending as guests but we also were their official photographers. I really enjoy photographing people I know so well because you already have that immediate connection with them and its just so much easier to get into the flow of the day.
Friday night we went down and attended the groom’s dinner at Jen’s grandmother’s house, ate way to much food, played some bocce ball, got to meet a lot of the family and just had a nice relaxing evening.
Saturday we were up and running following along with the bride and groom documenting their day. They were wed on the campus of Gustavus Adolphus. The day started out gloomy but absolutely turned out to be a gorgeous day. After the ceremony we traveled to Mankato for the reception. Laura always complains that she is so jealous of everyone who gets to dance during weddings while we are taking photos. It was nice to be able to put down the cameras a bit earlier than normal and get out on the dance floor our self. I’m sure I thoroughly embarrassed myself not to mention I can only imagine those in attendance who didn’t realize we were more than just the photographers!
Sunday we slept in and then met up with most of our friends to take in one of the largest breakfast buffets I have ever seen. It was literally forty feet of food. Inside jokes: Sneezeoops and Seafood Lasagna!
To Jessop and Jen thanks for such a great weekend. The two of you were absolutely stunning and I can’t wait to get caught up with all our other weddings so I can start editing yours. For now a teaser!