Last night they decided that Laura had not progressed enough during the day so they sent us home for the night with instruction to come back at seven a.m the next day. After checking Laura’s progress this morning it was decided that we should be using pitosin to induce labor.

Thanks again for keeping us posted. This is WAY more interesting than work on a Friday! Good luck to all three of you!
i can’t wait to see you guys in the hospital. a toast to the new family!
Wow you two look like you are in love. I bet you are wishing for someone else to join in that wonderful hug and smile.
We’re praying for you! See you soon! Love You All!
Hi Haraldsons! Looking forward to seeing you all.
I won’t be seeing you anytime soon, but I wish you two and the little one much peace and joy! So often I read in the Bible where the greatest sufferings are compared to a woman in travail. I have much compassion for you, Laura, and all of your suffering, most of which I hardly can imagine. But I am with you in spirit and imagination, and I hope for the best – a healthy baby and a healthy, fulfilling life. May God bless you and Scott (nice name btw!) and the little one! You are in my prayers and in my heart. Your family is great! (You can take that either of two ways 🙂
Hi Haraldsons! Looking forward to seeing you soon : )