
That’s right Laura and I are going to be parents. We’ve decided we don’t want to know if it is a boy or a girl so the name is to be determined 🙂 Place your bets now on the due date. The docs are saying March 4th.

My boys can swim!


Erin & Erik contacted us last winter inquiring about photography services for this fall. Erin is the sister of one of Laura’s good friends from college. She runs, he bikes, similar to the two of us. In spring we scooted around Minneapolis with the couple, just skirting rain showers at Lake Harriet. 

We snapped a couple of quick pics when we first met with Erik & Erin last winter in Saint Paul’s Rice Park.


Just a week before, we’d shot a wedding that drove us right by this bridge along Minnehaha Parkway in Minneapolis. Unable to stop that day, we made a point to pause briefly on our way to Minnehaha Falls with Erin & Erik.



Erik & Erin were real troopers, happily changing clothes throughout the day to lend some diversity to our pics. Check out Erin’s heels!



Erin & Erik have just less than a month to go before their big day. Best of luck to them as they finalize their plans!

It’s Super Sheep!

Laura and I went to the Minnesota State Fair last night and saw this uber cute little sheep being weighed in just hours after its birth.  The fair was solid as usual, I got to taste all my favorite fair foods.  I had a pronto pup, french fries, cheese curds, a couple beers, a chocolate malt from the milk barn and mini donuts.

The fine arts building is my favorite thing to see as there are so many talented people out there.  It was also my first time at the Miracle of Birth barn and it was well worth the visit.  While we were there we saw a calf in the process of being born as well newborn sheep, goats, pigs and chickens.

To close the night out Laura and I wandered over to take in a broadcast from the radio station I spend the majority of my day listening to.  When we walked up they were looking for a fifth and final couple to play in a “newly wed” game so Laura and I jumped right in.  We didn’t win but we did come in second place and Laura got a t-shirt and it was fun being on the air.

Beer Lovers Unite

We were recently blessed with the good company of my long time friend Zack and his girlfriend Diane.  Zack and Diane live in Oregon but are currently criss-crossing the United States in their 1982 Volkswagon Westphalia. Zack has always had eye for photography and should really set up a blog because the photos he’s taken so far are really really good.

He and Diane were able to time their drive so that they could make it back to Minnesota for our good friend’s Slim and Nel’s wedding.  While home we got Zack out for some good beer and he even got to play in a few of our kickball games.

It was good having ya back!