One last pic

Laura & Baby H.: T+4

For posterity and my parents who live in Wisconsin and haven’t seen me in a couple of months, we thought we’d post a picture of Laura & Baby H. at T+4 days. And here’s a little picture of the “nursery” (haha), too.

40 weeks 4 days
40 weeks 4 days
Baby H.s first room
Baby H.'s first room

Elephant by Emily
Elephant by Emily
Bjorn again, courtesy of our good friends
Bjorn again, courtesy of our good friends
Jungle Theme
Jungle Theme

And a glimpse into OUR new bedroom: Thanks, Mom & Dad for the new bedspread. Lucy loves it.

Golden Red and Green
Golden Red and Green

New look, same feel

With the help of our awesome and talented friend, Beth Everhart (you can see her shining face in the post below), we are proud to introduce the latest addition to Scott Haraldson Photography: Our new logo is sleeker and all-encompassing of our photographic styles, while remaining true to our photojournalistic roots. Much thanks to Beth!


Beth & Jeff

I thought I’d post some photos of our good friends Beth & Jeff.  We shot these this past fall.  Laura and I were running late and we were just able to jump into the car drive to a local golf course and then run down to the train tracks as we chased the last little bit of golden light as it set under the treeline.

Beth is also very talented and has been helping me with some neat things that I’m excited to share in the near future.  Stay tuned!